Smoke Testing in Software Development 2023

Zoovaria Khan

Zoovaria Khan


Smoke testing, also known as "Build Verification Testing" or "Build Acceptance Testing," is an essential part of software quality assurance and an integral part of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). It serves as a thorough assessment of whether the deployed software build is stable and ready for additional testing, serving as the first litmus test for any software build.

Smoke testing can check the main functions of the software and determine whether it is ready for full testing. It saves time and resources by ensuring security, efficiency, and early detection of problems.

Understanding Smoke Testing

Simply put, smoke testing is like an initial diagnosis of software. Smoke testing checks the crucial characteristics of a software product to evaluate its stability, much like how a doctor assesses a patient's overall health by evaluating vital signs. This initial assessment helps detect major problems early in the development process and prevents unnecessary resources from being wasted on bad software.

Characteristics of Smoke Testing:

  • Documented Process: Smoke testing follows a well-documented method, making sure that each step is carried out gradually.
  • Stability Variance: Smoke testing is flexible in various development settings because it can be applied to both stable and unstable builds.
  • Scripted Testing: Smoke testing is frequently scripted, which means that test cases that have been predetermined are run to evaluate the build's stability.
  • Regression Testing Component: This component is included in regression testing since it confirms that recent changes have had no impact on the functionality of already existing features.

Key Goals and Objectives:

  • Early Defect Detection: Smoke testing seeks to identify software product issues in the early stages of the development cycle. Early detection reduces the time and money needed to fix defects at a later stage.
  • Demonstrate System Stability: It acts as a litmus test for the stability of the system. It gives users assurance in the overall reliability of the software by ensuring that crucial functions operate as intended.
  • Compliance with requirements: Smoke testing verifies whether the software meets the requirements and ensures that key functions meet the project's objectives.

Types of Smoke Testing

Manual Smoke Testing:

Automated smoke testing is a crucial component of modern software development as it allows developers to quickly and reliably assess the fundamental functionality of a software application. This approach is built around developing test cases or automated scripts that simulate how a user would interact with the product.

Hybrid Smoke Testing:

Hybrid smoke testing represents the ideal combination of the best manual and automated testing. This approach recognizes the speed and repeatability of automated testing, as well as the extraordinary quality of understanding and flexibility of human testers. Blending smoke by combining these elements aims to achieve balance.

Automated Smoke Testing:

To efficiently and accurately evaluate a software application's core functioning, automated smoke testing is a critical part of contemporary software development. This strategy is based on the development of test cases or automated scripts that are intended to replicate user-like software interaction.

The Smoke Testing Process

Let's go into the details of the smoke testing process, which generally consists of four key steps: setup of the test environment, selection of the test cases, execution of the tests, and analysis and reporting. This procedure is essential for swiftly evaluating a software build's fundamental functioning.

Step 1: Test Environment Setup

This is the first step in the smoke testing procedure. The testing team checks that the testing environment is set up correctly and is ready for usage in this step. To replicate the ideal production environment, the relevant hardware, software, databases, and network configurations must be set up.

Step 2: Test Case Selection

Test Case Selection is the next crucial step after the test environment has been established. Testers must carefully select a test suite from the entire test suite to cover the most critical functions of the software.

Step 3: Test Execution

After choosing the test cases, the smoke testing process proceeds to test execution. Testers follow pre-written test scripts or manual instructions to interact with the software.

Step 4: Analysis and Reporting

Testers proceed to the Analysis and Reporting phase after executing the selected test cases. Here, they carefully review the test results and note any irregularities or defects they notice. Reporting with clarity is important because it allows developers to identify problems and resolve them quickly.

Tools for Smoke Testing

Let's explore tools that are frequently used for smoke testing, such as Selenium and PhantomJS, and discuss how to choose the best tool for your specific testing requirements.


Selenium is a well-liked and versatile open-source framework for web application automation testing. It offers a collection of tools and libraries that support several coding languages, including Java, Python, C++, and others. Selenium is a great option for testing web-based applications.


PhantomJS is a web browser without a graphical user interface. It is often used for many web tests, including smoke testing because it allows you to interact with web pages and perform actions such as clicking buttons and typing text programmatically.

Choosing the Right Tool

Before picking any tool make sure it is compatible with the project demands, the features it offers, and community support.


  • Early Issue Discovery: Smoke Testing helps in the early identification of significant defects and issues in the software, allowing for their prompt attention and resolution.
  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Smoke testing can detect major problems, prevent further testing of unstable designs, and save time and resources by reducing the need for debugging later in the development process.
  • Quality Assurance: It verifies that the software's fundamental and critical functions are operating as intended, before beginning more comprehensive testing.


Here are some challenges of smoke testing discussed below:

Incomplete Test Coverage

  • Smoke Testing concentrates on essential functions, sometimes skipping over less important ones.
  • It might overlook hidden or subtle problems with less commonly used features.
  • Comprehensive test coverage requires more testing steps than smoke testing.

False Sense of Security

  • A smoke test does not guarantee that there are no defects or problems.
  • There is a chance of missing non-functional problems, performance bottlenecks, or security vulnerabilities.
  • Teams must maintain vigilance and perform extra testing for a more thorough evaluation.

Manual vs. Automated Challenges

  • Manual smoke testing might take a long time and be inaccurate due to human error.
  • Automation requires initial setup and regular maintenance of test scripts.
  • Striking the right balance between manual and automated smoke testing to maximize efficiency can be difficult.

Handling Negative Testing

  • Smoke Testing mostly concentrates on instances where fundamental features operate as expected.
  • Negative testing, which evaluates how well a system responds to problematic inputs, error scenarios, or boundary instances, might need to be appropriately addressed.
  • Integration of negative testing requires careful evaluation and additional testing.

Best Practices for Effective Smoke Testing

Test Case Design Strategies

  1. Prioritize Core Functionality: List the most important features and processes in your application and arrange them in order of importance for the Smoke Testing suite. Concentrate on user needs and the essential features that drive the value of the software.
  2. Keep Test Cases Simple: Smoke test cases should be simple to perform. Smoke tests are primarily intended to quickly evaluate core functionality, and avoid complex scenarios or edge situations.
  3. Positive Path Testing: Focus on positive path testing, which allows you to ensure that predicted results occur under normal circumstances. Reserve negative and boundary testing for more extensive test phases.

Automation Guidelines

  1. Continuous Integration: Include smoke testing in your continuous integration (CI) pipeline. Automate the smoke test execution process for each new build to provide quick feedback on the build's stability.
  2. Maintainable Scripts: Scalability and maintainability should be considered when developing and maintaining automation scripts. Update scripts frequently to reflect modifications to the application's structure or functionality.
  3. Select the right tools: Select automation frameworks and tools that are compatible with the technological stack and requirements of your project.

Integrating Smoke Testing into SDLC

  1. Early involvement: Smoke testing should be incorporated at an early stage in the project. Work together with the product owners, developers, and testers to specify what constitutes a successful smoke test for each build.
  2. Regression Safety Net: Utilize Smoke Testing as a regression safety net to identify errors early and lower the possibility that serious flaws will reach the later stages of development.
  3. Version Control: Ensure that test scripts and test data are under version control to maintain consistency across multiple testing sites and team members.

Collaboration between Development and QA

  1. Shared Responsibility: Encourage a culture of shared accountability for software quality. Developers should take an active role in making sure that their code meets the fundamental functional requirements specified in smoke tests.
  2. Clear Communication: Encourage clear lines of communication between the development and quality assurance (QA) teams. To deal with problems quickly, talk about expectations, priorities, and feedback loops.
  3. Feedback Loop: Create a feedback loop between QA and the development team to address any failed smoke tests as soon as possible. Encourage the exchange of knowledge and collaborative problem-solving.


In conclusion, smoke testing is an important technique within the software development process for spotting issues early, organizing development activities, and reducing costs. As a gatekeeper, it helps deliver stable software builds which ultimately contribute to higher customer satisfaction and sustainable operations. Begin Smoke Testing today to elevate your Software Development Process and deliver quality to users.


1. What is smoke testing vs. unit testing?

Smoke testing and unit testing are two different stages in software testing. Smoke testing includes a preliminary check to verify that the basic functions of the software are working properly. Unit testing, on the other hand, involves testing individual components or units of the software to ensure that they work as intended.

2. Can we automate smoke testing?

Yes, smoke testing can be automated. Automated solutions can quickly execute the necessary checks to confirm basic functionality, aiding in more rapid and effective testing processes.

3. Which tool is used for smoke testing?

The tools commonly used for smoke testing are Selenium and PhantomJS.

4. What is Smoke Testing?

Smoke testing is a preliminary test to verify the basic functionality of newly developed software. It helps ensure software stability by detecting critical issues early so that further testing can be done.

5. What is Sanity Testing?

Sanity testing is a quick, targeted test to make sure that certain components of the software are functioning as intended following changes or fixes, rather than performing an exhaustive test of the entire system.